Martin Kramer Obituary
From: The Morning Olympian
April 15, 1942, Page 1
Martin Kramer Dies;
Well Known In Lacey
Martin Kramer, 78, well known resident of the Lacey Community, died in an Olympia hospital Wednesday morning.
Mr. Kramer was born in Bavaria and was brought to the United States, and in 1889 moved to Portland. He was one of the men who laid out the town of South Bend. He came to Thurston County in 1909, locating at Lacey. He was for a number of years employed by the Northern Pacific Railway, but later engaged in farming. He was an active member of the Catholic Church.
Surviving is the widow, Kate; four sons, Fred and Leo, Olympia; Andrew, Porthill, Idaho, and Anthony, Bremerton. There are 22 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The body is at Mills and Mills’. Funeral services will be held in Sacred Heart Church at Lacey this Friday morning at 9:00 o’clock. Burial will take place in Calvary Cemetery. The Rosary will be said in the Lacey Church this Thursday evening at 7:45 o’clock.
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